Hello, and welcome to the F3edback
I’m Aoife, a 3rd year Philosophy and Literature student, and a
member of the SALT F3edback team. If you’ve never heard of SALT before, we’re
basically a large team of students within the university working in
collaboration with staff to improve on various elements of your learning and
teaching experience. The F3 group have been given the task of improving
feedback after students voiced a low satisfaction rate with the current
feedback on offer. If you’ve ever felt
dissatisfied with your feedback here at Sheffield or wish to know how you can
use your feedback to further benefit your degree then keep an eye on the work
we’re doing around the union this month. You can check out our facebook and
twitter pages, and don’t forget to keep reading the blog! It is our job to
enhance the feedback you’re getting in every faculty and on every level, and
we’re working hard to get it right so that you can make the most of your time
here in Sheffield.
So, who are we? We are a group of
students just like yourselves who are employed by the university to help you
with feedback. We’ve been working on the project for about five weeks now, and after
some initial weeks of preparation you’ll definitely be seeing a lot more of us
around the university this November. Our priority at the moment is to get your
opinions before we can make any changes, and right now we’re focusing on first
year’s expectations of the feedback they will receive. We’ll be door knocking
around Endcliffe next week so if we come to your door, be sure to say hello and
have a chat, we’re friendly and we will have sweets and biscuits! We’ll also
have a stall up in the union (hopefully with some homemade cakes) from the 18th
to the 21st November where you can fill out a quick questionnaire or
preferably talk to us and tell us what you really think. To conclude our
feedforward month there will be two focus groups complete with pizza and cake
on the 22nd and 29th November where we can really talk in depth with
you about feedback. There’s a lot coming up but there’ll be reminders and
updates on our facebook and twitter!

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